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Measuring What Matters: Safety Culture Surveys

Course Experts: Merihan Raouf, PharmD

Course Description: This course reviews patient safety culture, the importance of measuring safety culture through safety culture surveys, and converting the survey results into actionable items.

Credits: CEUs will be granted to pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and nurses in patient safety.

Safety Culture, Surveys, Organizational Culture, Patient Safety, Teamwork, Communication, Just Culture, Reporting, AHRQ, Likert Scale, SAQ (Safety Attitudes Questionnaire), SOPS (Surveys on Patient Safety Culture), Debriefing, Action Planning, Clinical Outcomes, SSER (Serious Safety Event Rate), PHI (Preventable Harm Index), ICU (Intensive Care Unit), CLABSI (Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections), VAP (Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia)